Fucking Angry x Wunstock Festival

Wir sehen uns nächsten Samstag auf dem Wunstock Festival!🔥

Eintritt ist UMSONST!

Fucking Angry x Karben Open Air Festival

Danke @karbenopenair für die Einladung! ❤️

Das ist ein echt cooles Festival und wir kommen gerne wieder... und nächstes Mal sind wir das ganze Wochenende da! Leider sind wir gestern viel zu spät losgefahren, so dass wir bei der Ankunft genau 30 Minuten Zeit hatten, bevor es auf die Bühne ging.😵 Aber eure Organisation hat uns den Stress genommen... Danke! 🙌
Und danke an den @pod_against für das schöne Gespräch ... 1,5 Std labern. Wir scheinen den Rekord gebrochen zu haben 😘
(Das Foto entstand am Sonntag nach dem Konzert und Interview ... Ja, wir sind müde 😂)

Fucking Angry x Punk Rock Holiday!

We are back from the Punk Rock Holiday and still trying to process our impressions. We've been on the road as a band since 2013 and have played at many festivals, but this one is different... We have never before played at such an incredibly beautiful location. It went on for five days (and it really felt like a vacation). 🍹

Thanks to the voting we were able to play on the Beach Stage and what can we say? The 2000km were more than worth it! We were a bit worried because our stage time was at 1.30pm (32 degrees!) and you were all in front of the stage and it was packed (even the stage managers were surprised by the crowd)... You danced, sang, set off pyro and jumped off the stage (thanks to the kids!). You can't imagine how happy and grateful we are for this experience.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to every single person in front of the stage! ❤❤❤
After that we saw some very good bands (Not On Tour, Alkaline Trio, Rise Against, Descendents...). If someone had told us in 2013 that we would be playing a festival with these bands - we wouldn't have believed it.
We had 5 unforgettable days in Tolmin and at the Punk Rock Holiday and are incredibly grateful to the organizers for this opportunity! Here are a few impressions of the days.
We'll rest for a few days and see you next Sunday at the Karben Open Air - Hessen Festival!